Love Sports & Entertainment

Laughter, Awe and Joy provoking wedding wishes and messages

Looking for just the right words to write on a friend’s wedding card? Continue reading because we’ve collected some of the most beautiful wedding wishes for you to use.

Wedding wishes

Wedding day wishes are always fun to give at a friend, co-worker, or family member’s wedding reception. It’s always appropriate to send your warm wishes to the happy couple by congratulating them and wishing them love and luck in future. You will want to write down some words of congratulations and best wishes for marriage in the form of a card or letter.

Wedding messages have become an essential part of the wedding culture over the years. They often offer sentiment, humor or wedding blessings. However, writing nice wedding card messages and marriage wishes can be harder than you think. Sometimes you can’t find the right words to write a heartfelt wedding card, especially for a close friend or a family member. So, if you’re at a loss for words, here are some warm and meaningful wedding greetings that can work for just about any couple who is tying the knot.

Wedding Wishes and Messages

Feel free to use these wedding congratulations messages and modify them as you please to create your own special wedding card.

  • “Congratulations, (the name of the bride and groom)! It’s so great to see two awesome people like you getting married. Love and best wishes always!”
  • “You’ll always remember this special day. I hope it’s even more beautiful than you’ve been dreaming, and I hope it’s just the start of a lifetime that will get better and better.”
  • “Warmest congratulations on your wedding day and best wishes for a happy life together!”
  • “Congratulations to you both on finding the perfect person to share all your days with.”
  • “God bless you both as you begin this beautiful journey of marriage together.”
  • “May your love bloom brighter and your marriage grow sweeter with each passing year. Congratulations to the perfect couple.”
  • “Wishing both of you lots of happiness and joy on your wedding day.”
  • “Your wedding day will come and go, but may your love and happiness forever grow. Congratulations on your wedding!”
  • “Congratulations to the most wonderful couple. Wishing you a wonderful journey as you start a new life together.”
  • “Just a note to say how happy we are for you. Wishing you a lifetime of joy, love, and happiness. “
  • “Congratulations to a couple whose match truly seems made in heaven!”
  • “Congratulations on your wedding! May you two always find love and hope in the company of one another.”
  • “Thanks for all the champagne and free food! Oh, and also congratulations on your matrimony.”
  • “Congratulations on only having one option for the rest of your life! P.S. I’m glad that you opted for the right one. Here’s to a happy and successful marriage, you guys!”
  • “Heartfelt congratulations on your marriage. May your wonderful bonding last forever, and should it ever change, may it change to a stronger and better one.”
  • “Wishing you many more days as happy and perfect as this one, many more occasions for celebration, and a lifetime of love, joy, and laughter.”