People & Lifestyle

20 Characteristics of Highly Sensitive People

Are you constantly worried about hurting other people’s feelings? Are you easily overwhelmed by things like loud noises, strong smells, bright lights or certain fabrics? Do you cry easily when watching sad movies or adverts for animal cruelty? Then you could be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), a condition that’s common but rarely understood.

Highly sensitive people are especially sensitive to external stimuli and have higher emotional reactivity and a greater depth of cognitive processing. They have a hypersensitive nervous system and are very attuned to the subtle things and changes in temperature, smells, sounds, or lighting. Highly sensitive people are more sensitive to their environment than others, and this has both positive and negative outcomes in today’s modern world.

Here is the list of some of the most common characteristics of highly sensitive people.

1. Highly sensitive people are highly aware and keenly observant, so they never jump to conclusions before hearing all sides.

2. These people are extremely creative and highly intuitive.

3. Highly sensitive people are attuned to the subtlest things of their environment including lighting, sounds, smells, noise, and temperature.

4. Their dreams are vivid and they are often able to recall their dreams after waking.

5. Highly sensitive people are very caring, emphatic and they are easily affected by the emotions of people around them.

6. They feel and express their emotions deeply and more intensely than others.

7. These people have a lower tolerance for stimulation than others.

8. They tend to avoid all forms of entertainment that involve cruelty and violence.

9. Highly sensitive individuals need adequate rest, nutrition as well as some time alone to recharge their batteries.

10. They can be easily moved to tears by a sad movie, book, or even a simple conversation. This happens because they feel more deeply than others.

11. These people are very polite and take note of the improper behavior of other people.

12. They do not want to make anyone angry or annoyed and they can go to extraordinary lengths to avoid criticism.

13. Highly sensitive people have a tendency to become depressed or anxious, so they require a supportive environment especially from their family and friends.

14. Highly sensitive people are deep thinkers and great team members as long as the decision making is left to someone else.

15. If their decision turns out to be wrong they will feel upset and disappointed.

16. They are chronically over-stimulated which makes them unable to watch horror or violent movies.

17. Highly sensitive people process information deeply and they prefer to work independently.

18. They are often artistic and are attracted to nature and physical beauty.

19. Highly sensitive individuals are more likely to be philosophical or spiritual rather than materialistic.

20. These people are highly imaginative and have a rich and complex inner life.