
Boost Your Energy And Health With Bee Pollen Granules

The daily flight of a bee consists of visiting several plants to collect pollen as a food source for their colony. However, not only bees benefit from the nectar and pollen gathering and the development of honey. This through process has proven to be beneficial not only for this insects. In fact, huge number of plants count on the bees pollen distribution for reproduction. As a result, those plants that bear fruits are able to produce crops and make a balance in our ecosystem. The pollen that bees bring back to the hive is combined with bee saliva and nectar and after that stored on the honeycomb cells. This freshly created combination is actually bee pollen.

Bee Pollen Ingredients – Bee Pollen has high concentrations of vitamin B, Vitamins A, C, D, and E. It represents a mixture of 55% carbohydrates, 35% protein, 3% minerals and vitamins and 2% fatty acids. Because of its complexity of B vitamin, bee pollen granules are often taken for increasing vitality and energy, boost the immune system and detoxify the body.

Boosts Immune System – Wanna boost your immune system and be rich in vitamins, proteins, folic acid, etc., start consuming bee pollen granules. They contain all essential elements to sustain life. The bee pollen ingredients increase our body’s level of gamma globulin. Gamma globulin is a blood formed protein that helps, prevents and resist infections in our body.

Increases Blood Cell Count – Studies show that bee pollen can considerably increase both white and red blood cell in anemic patients. White blood cells or also known as Lymphocytes, are responsible for fighting damaging substances like viruses, toxic elements, cancerous or infected cells in our blood stream.

Improves Performance In Physical Activity – It was proven that those who take bee pollen supplements have improved performance in Physical activity. It is a excellent natural food for athletes because it doesn’t contain steroids and chemicals.

Helps With Weight Control – Taking bee pollen supplements will help you normalize weight gain/loss. It contains lechithin substance, responsible for dissolving and flushing out body fat. Besides that, since bee pollen contains all fundamental nutrients for the human body, it acts as a regulator to control signals for fullness and hunger.

Remedies Allergies – Consuming bee pollen in small amounts will provide the proper amount of allergens to your body. On that way the immune system will create antibodies that will additionally prevent allergic reactions.

Slows The Aging Process – The regular use of bee pollen will strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system, will keep your mind sharp and stress resistant.

Beautifies & Fights Skin Conditions – Besides for inside usage, bee pollen is extremely used for the outer beauty. Dermatologists use it for treating acne and rejuvenate the skin cells.