
Porcelain veneers and lumineers: What to choose?

Improving the aesthetic appeal of teeth has never been easier. There are a number of cosmetic dental procedures that can help you get the smile you’ve always dreamed of, regardless of the dental problem you are facing.

Covering discolored, decayed, cracked and chipped teeth as well as fulfilling gaps between teeth with porcelain teeth veneers is one of the most common and most popular procedures in cosmetic dentistry. There’s no denying that dental veneers can literally transform your smile. In fact, dental veneers are a long-lasting solution that gives your damaged teeth a perfect, natural look.

Moreover, dental veneers are stain resistant and easy to maintain. Applying veneers is not a complicated nor time-consuming procedure. You can have your smile improved completely with porcelain veneers within two visits to your dentist’s office.

However, if we take a deeper look into the actual steps that consist this procedure, we’ll come to a conclusion that applying teeth veneers is not that perfect dental procedure. Namely, a big drawback of this procedure is the removal of 5mm of the natural tooth enamel surface. Yes, before applying the veneers your doctor will have to literally reshape you natural teeth. This leaves your teeth unprotected and causes a non-reversible damage to your teeth, which means that once you cover your teeth with teeth veneers, you’ll have to wear such implants for the rest of your life.

Well, if you think that the teeth veneers are not worth the pain you’ll have to undergo and the damage that will be done to the structure of your natural teeth, this doesn’t mean that you should give up on your idea to improve your smile. Before you give up, consider dental lumineers as a more convenient way to solve your problem.

Lumineers are a painless way to perfect your smile. In fact, applying lumineers doesn’t require removal of teeth structure. Lumeneers are similar like veneers, but they are thinner and more strong porcelain shells, that easily slip over existing teeth, eliminating the need for permanent removal of natural teeth structure that is normally associated with traditional veneers. They can be a great choice to improve teeth that are stained, crocked, worn or have gaps in between. Generally speaking, the lumineers can last for up to twenty years after placement. The procedure of placing lumineers is performed in less than one hour and includes no shots, no drilling and no pain.