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Tips for prolonging the life of your vehicle

The year 1769 was marked by the first steam-powered automobile capable of human transportation that was designed by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot. Since then these machines take us anywhere we need and want to go with ease. Want to visit some other town in your country? No problem, just take your seat in the car and hit the road. You will be there with no issue. Today, we almost cannot image our life without cars. According to the last statistics from Motor Vehicle Census, there are over 18 million registered motor vehicles in Australia in 2015, which is an increase of over 2% since 2014.

Owning a car offer a lot of benefits, but also comes with some issues as well. It means you need to make regular inspections in order to keep your car in a great working condition. There are a few important things that cannot be neglected, including motor engine oil change. Changing the oil is vital for your vehicle for many reasons and here are few of them.

Maintains Engine Lubrication

When all the moving parts of the engine move while the car is working they are producing high rates of heat. Without proper oil lubrication, all these parts will wear down dramatically in no time. To keep them in great working order read the owner’s manual and see what type of motor engine oil your vehicle requires and make the purchase. Once you buy the right oil make sure you keep it at the recommended fill level.

Cools Engine Components

The parts that are moveable and experience a lack of oil lubrication create friction which produces a high level of heat. Keeping the oil at sufficient and clean level is the right solution to keep your vehicle from producing too much friction and overheating of the engine.

Clean the Engine from Sludge and Particles

Dirt particles are one of the reasons why your engine may stop working properly. They are deadly to this part of your car because they cause corrosion thus shorting the life span of the engine. With time, oil breaks down and turns to sludge. So the main goal here is to keep the engine clean. Regular filter and oil changes can help remove the sludge and particles so you can have your engine in great working condition.

Improves Gas Mileage

Make sure the engine always has enough clean oil, otherwise you may experience an increased fuel consumption as a result of a poor lubrication. With the usage of the right oil and the regular changes, with time gas mileage can be improved by 1-2%. Maybe these numbers do not mean too much for your, but for people who drive average vehicles, this may save them nearly 4 litters of gas per year.

Prolonging the Life Span of the Vehicle

As simple as that. Regular maintenance makes your car last longer. Oil dirt robs the power and fuel economy of the car thus makes all the parts working harder. An engine that works harder can lead to many other problems thus shorten the life span of the car. Changing your engine oil by yourself can be a hassle, but still, it is a must.